Cosmic #38 – Marcos Croce (FAF)

September 17, 2019

Cosmic #38 - Marcos Croce (FAF)March 18, 2020


Leading the Coffee Farm Revolution

I have a positive coffee story for you today. A drop of genius and hope in the dark ocean of bitterness. This is where transition always starts isn’t it?

When I found out that with each cup of commercial – or fairtrade – coffee that we drink we perpetuate extreme poverty and child labour, I was ready to fall into denial . I was thinking about all of the cups of coffee I had in my life, at events, workshops, seminars, the Nespresso coffee capsules, the hectolitres of filtered coffee at work, even the premium coffee they serve after a Michelin-starred meal. The magnitude of the problem is beyond imagination.

[We may dive into the structural problems of the coffee world at a later stage in the series]

Obviously the cosmos quickly sent me a bunch of coffee lovers who are doing the right thing by relentlessly developing options for the conscious coffee drinker. Kim Ossenblok (Cosmic #24) is one of them, and together we launched this podcast series about conscious coffee. Who are the people behind the coffee revolution?

In this episode, I am taking you to Brazil to meet the family behind a revolutionary coffee farm called Fazenda Ambiental Fortaleza. The father, Marcos Croce, is telling me the story of how they turned the family farm’s conventional approach to coffee farming into what is considered to be the leading edge of social & sustainable coffee production in the world.

It all starts in 2001 in Chicago. Buckle up and enjoy the ride. This is Cosmic #38 with Marcos Croce.

Thank you to Kim Ossemblok for the support.

Resourcefully, from somewhere in the Cosmos,✨☄


Links & References:

The FAF farm & its people: From Dirt to Soil

The webpage of the farm

Kim’s blog: Barista Kim

Link to the podcast on Spotify

Link to the playlist on spotify

Video version on YouTube



#047 – Coming in Touch With That Feeling

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